United Kingdom, Hereford | Plastic Pollution Activist Summit

Hereford, United Kingdom

Hosted by Hidden Plastic

Saturday 29 July

Location: Courtyard Arts Centre, Hereford, United Kingdom

Times: 11:30-5:00 PM

Format: In-Person

Cost: FREE

With an overall theme of plastic pollution, the Planeteer Plastic Pollution Summit will be a day of learning about the devastating effects of plastic pollution, the real-life solutions already out there working to stop it, and how those attending can make a real impact on stopping it, through their own unique campaigns!

Aimed at 11-16 year olds (exceptions considered-just ask! email contact@hiddenplastic.org), you can expect a fun, and inspiring day coming up with ways to turn the tide on plastic pollution, and figuring out how to implement your ideas in the real world.

All participants should bring a packed lunch and refillable water bottle. Snacks will be provided.

Register for this Summit

Summit Schedule

Summit Hosts

Ashton & Zara Hawkins of Hidden Plastic

Hidden Plastic is Ashton & Zara Hawkins. The organization was founded during the Ocean Heroes Virtual Bootcamp in 2020. They designed their campaign to educate people about the dangers of microplastics (and ocean bound plastic) through a series of ‘dark comedy’ videos, that are now archived on their website HiddenPlastic.org. 

Ashton & Zara are currently working on the ‘PepsiCo Interceptor Challenge’ to encourage PepsiCo to sponsor 20 of The Ocean Cleanup Interceptors at a cost of $15.5m. They just started giving public talks about their work with Hidden Plastic, and doing face-to-face campaigning to encourage the public to help with influencing PepsiCo’s CEO. They have released a new video every Friday since Earth Day 2022 on social media – and pledge to keep going until they get a response from PepsiCo.

About this Summit Location

The Courtyard ( https://www.courtyard.org.uk/about-us/ ) is an arts centre based in the heart of Herefordshire. It hosts local productions, events, workshops, and often showcases local artists’ works. It is where we first took film-making classes and learned many skills we now use in Hidden Plastic’s work. Therefore, Hidden Plastic also has a connection to the venue!

The Courtyard has a really friendly feel to it, being a welcoming and easy-to-work-in space. We will be using 3 different rooms for the summit, one of which will have a large screen so that some speakers can join us virtually. The summit will also have an arts-based theme, to compliment the venue, such as making videos for campaigns, turning plastic into art and other forms of artivism! 

Captain Planet Foundation

About the FIRE Summit

The FIRE Element focuses on rapidly transitioning to renewable energy sources, clean transportation, and accelerating ways to draw down fossil fuel dependence. Targeting the source of these emissions — namely fossil fuels — and doing so equitably, is the goal of the FIRE element. This FIRE Summit is convening Planeteers in communities around the world to develop campaigns to accelerate our transition away from fossil fuels.

About Planeteer Alliance

Planeteer Alliance is a program of the Captain Planet Foundation, a US-based NGO with the mission of engaging and empowering young people to be problem solvers for the planet.