As 2023 came to a close, three members of the Planeteer Alliance team (Courtney, Leesa, and Robin) embarked on thrilling adventures, spreading environmental awareness and advocating for positive change across the globe. Among the notable events were three UNEP-funded policy training sessions in Nairobi and Kisumu in Kenya, and in Lagos, Nigeria.
The primary focus was to educate Planeteers about the Global Plastics Treaty, a crucial initiative aimed at addressing the escalating issue of plastic pollution worldwide. Participants were equipped with knowledge about the treaty, empowering them to play a key role in its implementation when it is adopted.
Further solidifying their commitment, Leesa, Courtney, and Robin, met two dedicated Planeteers, Seyi (22 years old) and Michelle (18 years old) in Nairobi to attend the third International Negotiating Committee meeting (INC-3) for the Global Plastics Treaty, hosted at UNEP headquarters in Nairobi. This international gathering provided a platform for global leaders and activists to discuss the pressing global plastics crisis and to collaborate on sustainable solutions.
Seyi and Michelle, representing the Planeteer Alliance at the UNEP INC-3 meeting, stood out with their passion and dedication. Their voices resonated in the international arena as they successfully made significant contributions to the discussions. Their involvement showcased the power of grassroots movements and the importance of individual, young voices in shaping global environmental policies. On behalf of Planeteers and Tide Turners worldwide, they delivered to the UNEP Secretariat and the Secretariat of the INC proceedings the Five-Point Youth Demand, advocating for youth voice, urgency, justice, equity, and circularity to be prioritized in the treaty proceedings and outcome.
The Planeteer Alliance’s presence at the UNEP INC-3 meeting underscored the organization’s commitment to being catalysts for positive change. By actively participating in international discussions and policy trainings, Planeteers not only expanded their own knowledge but also played a pivotal role in advancing environmental awareness on a global scale.
As the Planeteer Alliance reflects on the exciting adventures of 2023, they remain steadfast in their mission to protect the planet. The experiences in Nairobi, Lagos, and the UNEP INC-3 meeting have set the stage for even more impactful endeavors in the coming year. With a united front the entire Planeteer Alliance continues to inspire change, fostering a greener and more sustainable future for all.