MEXICO, Mérida | Cumbre De Acción Contra la Polución Plástica

Mérida, Mexico

Hosted by Fridays for Future Yucatán

saturday 29 July

Location: Instituto Tecnológico de Mérida

Times: TBA

Format: In-Person

Cost: FREE

 Everyone can make changes with single actions!

We invite you to participate in this youth global action for plastic pollution to learn more about circular economy.
We are going to have practical and interactive activities where you can learn about the problem and how to solve, you also are going to learn how to improve small actions in you’re daily live.

Is going to be a place where all doubts about plastics, environmental pollution, circular economy, how to reduce your impact, etc., are accepted. A safe place were you can open your mind for every questions you have, so we can take a step on having a more sustainable life.

Register for this Summit

Summit Schedule

Summit Hosts

Fridays for Future Yucatán team

About this Summit Location

In a University into the capital city of Yucatán, it is a urban zone. The Yucatan Peninsula is highly biodiverse because of the different ecosystems such as rainforest, mangrove and coastal systems.

Captain Planet Foundation

About the FIRE Summit

The FIRE Element focuses on rapidly transitioning to renewable energy sources, clean transportation, and accelerating ways to draw down fossil fuel dependence. Targeting the source of these emissions — namely fossil fuels — and doing so equitably, is the goal of the FIRE element. This FIRE Summit is convening Planeteers in communities around the world to develop campaigns to accelerate our transition away from fossil fuels.

About Planeteer Alliance

Planeteer Alliance is a program of the Captain Planet Foundation, a US-based NGO with the mission of engaging and empowering young people to be problem solvers for the planet.