SOMALIA, Mogadishu | Wind Summit

Mogadishu – Somalia

Hosted by Somali Greenpeace Association

Thursday 27 july

Location: Java Coffee Garden – Mogadishu

Times: TBA

Format: In-Person

Cost: FREE

The Wind Summit – Somalia aims to bring together stakeholders from different sectors to discuss and develop innovative solutions to reduce plastic pollution in Somalia. The objectives of the summit include:

  • Raising awareness about the negative impact of plastic pollution on the environment and human health.
  • Fostering collaboration between stakeholders from different sectors to develop innovative solutions to reduce plastic pollution.
  • To identifying challenges and opportunities in addressing plastic pollution in Somalia.
  • Developing a roadmap for implementing sustainable solutions to reduce plastic pollution.

***Final Program to be determined

The Wind Summit will be a one-day event consisting of plenary sessions, panel
discussions, and breakout sessions. The plenary sessions will focus on raising
awareness about plastic pollution and its impact on the environment and human
health. The panel discussions will bring together stakeholders from different sectors
to discuss challenges and opportunities in addressing plastic pollution in Somalia.
The breakout sessions will provide an opportunity for participants to develop
innovative solutions to reduce plastic pollution

Summit Hosts

Somali Greenpeace Association

Somali Greenpeace Association is a civil society organization committed to promoting climate and environmental justice, and empowering youth in Somalia. It was formed in 2019 as result of climate change and environmental degradation awareness needed by the Somali People.

Abdishakur Mohamud
Nasro Abshir
Hussein Hohamed
Hassan Mowlid, Advisor

About Mogadishu

Mogadishu is the capital city of Somalia, a country located in the Horn of Africa. It is situated on the coast of the Indian Ocean and has a population of approximately 2.5 million diverse people. Mogadishu is known for its rich history, culture, and beautiful beaches. But, trash and plastic in Somalia is a challenge – one that we will explore in this Summit.

Captain Planet Foundation

About the FIRE Summit

The FIRE Element focuses on rapidly transitioning to renewable energy sources, clean transportation, and accelerating ways to draw down fossil fuel dependence. Targeting the source of these emissions — namely fossil fuels — and doing so equitably, is the goal of the FIRE element. This FIRE Summit is convening Planeteers in communities around the world to develop campaigns to accelerate our transition away from fossil fuels.

About Planeteer Alliance

Planeteer Alliance is a program of the Captain Planet Foundation, a US-based NGO with the mission of engaging and empowering young people to be problem solvers for the planet.