27, July 2024
Location: TBD
Format: Hybrid
Cost: Free!
Participation in Planeteer Alliance Element Summits is limited to registered Planeteers ONLY.
Planeteers must be under 25 years of age and complete the application form and waiver.
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Already a Planeteer? Register for FIRE Summit!
¡Únete a nosotros en el World Youth Fire Summit en Pichanaki, un evento transformador en el corazón del Amazonas! Invitamos a jóvenes y comunidades indígenas a ser parte de esta cumbre ambiental, donde juntos exploraremos soluciones innovadoras para enfrentar los desafíos del cambio climático y la deforestación. Este es un llamado a todos los que desean marcar una diferencia y proteger nuestro planeta. La cumbre será un espacio de aprendizaje, colaboración y acción, donde podrás compartir y adquirir conocimientos valiosos, inspirarte con experiencias únicas y contribuir a un futuro sostenible. ¡Tu participación es crucial para crear un impacto positivo en nuestras comunidades y en el mundo entero!
Summit Hosts & Location

The World Youth Fire Summit
In Pichanaki, a city deeply rooted in the Amazon rainforest, several critical issues relating to the Summit Element are particularly relevant and important. The primary focus of the summit will be on clean energy and sustainable forestry practices. Pichanaki is at the forefront of the fight against deforestation, a pressing issue that threatens the delicate balance of the Amazon ecosystem. The community is actively engaged in efforts to promote reforestation and the sustainable management of forest resources, recognizing the vital role trees play in carbon sequestration and biodiversity preservation.
Additionally, clean energy initiatives are gaining momentum in Pichanaki, as the city seeks to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and embrace renewable energy sources. The transition to clean energy is essential not only for mitigating climate change but also for improving the quality of life for local residents by providing reliable and sustainable energy solutions.
The summit will highlight these efforts, bringing together experts, policymakers, and young leaders to discuss innovative strategies and solutions for advancing clean energy and sustainable forestry in the Amazon region. Through collaborative dialogue and action, the summit aims to empower the youth to drive positive change and ensure a resilient and sustainable future for Pichanaki and beyond.
Primary Host: John Abad

About the FIRE Summit
The FIRE Element focuses on rapidly transitioning to renewable energy sources, clean transportation, and accelerating ways to draw down fossil fuel dependence. Targeting the source of these emissions — namely fossil fuels — and doing so equitably, is the goal of the FIRE element. This FIRE Summit is convening Planeteers in communities around the world to develop campaigns to accelerate our transition away from fossil fuels.
About Planeteer Alliance
Planeteer Alliance is a program of the Captain Planet Foundation, a US-based NGO with the mission of engaging and empowering young people to be problem solvers for the planet.