27th, July 2024
Location: 2nd Floor TAEN Building, Opposite Nitel Old Airport Road
Times: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Format: In-person
Cost: Free!
Participation in Planeteer Alliance Element Summits is limited to registered Planeteers ONLY.
Planeteers must be under 25 years of age and complete the application form and waiver.
Need to Join Planeteer Alliance? Apply!
Already a Planeteer? Register for FIRE Summit!
The Fire Summit, tailored for students in Jos, Plateau State Nigeria, aims to enlighten attendees about renewable energy. Through dynamic presentations and interactive sessions, participants will learn about the necessity of transitioning to renewable energy sources for sustainable development and environmental preservation. They will also have the chance to discover innovative renewable energy technologies available within Plateau State, highlighting their relevance and practicality within the community.
Summit Hosts & Location

FIRE Summit Jos
Plateau State Nigeria is known as the “Home of Peace and Tourism,” boasts an estimated population of around 4.7 million individuals. The state thrives on its abundant agricultural resources, serving as a primary source of income, predominantly practiced on a semi-subsistence scale by individuals. However, the adverse effects of climate change have significantly impacted the region, resulting in diminished yields and scarce resources, particularly arable land. Consequently, this has triggered conflicts between farmers and herders, often resulting in tragic loss of life. While governmental efforts persist in addressing this recurring issue, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) are also actively engaged in supporting these initiatives.
For environmentalists and organizations such as Climrenew, it is imperative to think innovatively and delve into the root causes of these conflicts. One major contributor to this strife is land degradation, coupled with deforestation driven by the demand for energy, notably for everyday domestic needs like cooking. While endeavors such as tree planting projects aim to promote awareness and preserve green spaces, they prove insufficient. Moreover, viable energy alternatives are lacking. A significant portion of the state’s population heavily relies on charcoal production from tree felling for domestic energy needs.
To address this challenge, it is essential to raise awareness about alternative energy sources, such as subsidized solar cookers. Such initiatives could mitigate the reliance on charcoal production, thereby preserving greenery for other purposes. Additionally, exploring funding mechanisms like carbon tax regimes, as exemplified by the case study of Guyana, could finance the transition to sustainable energy alternatives.
Primary Host: Naphtali Akudung

About the FIRE Summit
The FIRE Element focuses on rapidly transitioning to renewable energy sources, clean transportation, and accelerating ways to draw down fossil fuel dependence. Targeting the source of these emissions — namely fossil fuels — and doing so equitably, is the goal of the FIRE element. This FIRE Summit is convening Planeteers in communities around the world to develop campaigns to accelerate our transition away from fossil fuels.
About Planeteer Alliance
Planeteer Alliance is a program of the Captain Planet Foundation, a US-based NGO with the mission of engaging and empowering young people to be problem solvers for the planet.