Wisdom Council USA
May is a high school student from Atlanta, Georgia. Ever since May was little, she has adored animals, plants, and nature in general. Despite stepping on one too many Copperhead snakes, she loves our planet, and she wants to protect it the way it has protected her. May was raised surrounded by nature, she was taught how to plant seeds, and she has always had access to fresh produce. May wants the same for future generations and kids around America, which is what has inspired her to become involved with the Captain Planet Foundation. May is so proud and honored to be a part of the Captain Planet Foundation Youth Advisory Committee (CPFYAC). Outside of her passion for our planet, May loves Debate, Model UN, and learning. May has become more involved in her school’s clubs and has found a place in the debate and Model UN clubs. Debate has encouraged her to be her authentic self, rather than assimilate to society’s standards. Model UN has sparked a passion for current events and foreign affairs. Yet, her favorite thing about debate and Model UN are the people, because they all want to be in those clubs. This is why she is so excited to be a part of the Wisdom Council, everyone is passionate about the planet, and everyone wants to be there.